Laura Rogers County & District Clerk

Laura Rogers

County and District Clerk

PO Box 270

701 North 3rd

Stratford, TX 79084


Vote in Honor of a Veteran

Interested in running for office? Click below for more information! 


Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

    EARLY VOTING (in person)-Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas 

    ELECTION DAY VOTING LOCATIONS (You MUST vote in your precinct on Election Day)

    101 - County Barn at Lautz - Hwy 287 South of Stratford 

    102 - Sherman County Elections Room 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas

    201 - Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas 

    202 - Precinct 2 County Barn - County Road 24 and W 

    301 -Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas 

    302 - Precinct 3 County Barn, 622 W. Denver, Texhoma Texas 

    401 - Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas


    October 21-25


    Oct 26


    Oct 27


    Oct 28-Nov 1


    (Open during lunch)

    ELECTION DAY (November 5th, 2024) HOURS: 7AM-7PM

  • Unicaciones de los distritos electorales

     Votacion anticipada (en persona) - Oficina del secretario del condado y del distrito

    Locasiones del Dia de Eleccion

    (Uste DEVE de votar en su propio precinto el dia de Eleccion)

    101- Granero del condado en Lautz- Hwy 287 Sur de Stratford 

    102- Sala de Justicia- 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas

    201- Sala de Justicia- 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas

    202- Precinto 2 Granero del condado- Camino del condado 24 y W

    301- Sala de Justicia- 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas

    302- Precinto 3 Granero del condado- 622 Oeste Denver, Texhoma Texas

    401- Sala de Justicia- 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford Texas

  • You may vote early by mail if:

    65 Years of Age or Older Disability (as defined in Texas Election Code 82.002(a),

    Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day Expected

    Absence from the County (You may apply for a ballot for one election and its resulting runoff, if your dates of absence from the county include both elections)

    Confined in Jail or Involuntary Civil Commitment (You may only apply for a ballot for one election and any resulting runoff)


    You may contact  the County Clerk's office for an application to vote by mail at 806-366-2371 

    Sherman County Clerk PO Box 270 Stratford, TX 79084

  • Pueda votar temprano por correo si:

     Si tiene 65 o más años de edad o Discapacidad (como está definido en el Código Electoral de Texas 82.002(a),

    Estaré por dar a luz dentro de las tres semanas antes o después del día de las elecciones.

    Estaré ausente del condado (Usted solo puede solicitar una boleta por correo para una elección, y cualquier elección de desempate resultante, si su periodo de tiempo ausente del condado incluye ambas elecciones)

    Confinado en cárcel o compromiso civil involuntario (Usted solo puede solicitar una boleta por correo para una elección, y cualquier elección de desempate resultante)

    Solicitud de Boleta Postal SPANISH.pdf

    Puede comunicarse con la oficina del Secretario del Condado para obtener una solicitud de voto por correo al 806-366-2371

    PO BOX 270 Stratford, TX 79084

Want to track your ballot by mail?

Click HERE

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Presona aqui

Military and Overseas Voters

First and foremost, we would like to thank you, the military voters, for your service to our country.
To all U.S. citizens overseas, thank you for your interest in your country’s elections while far away. (Federal voting law defines “overseas” as anywhere outside the United States. This includes Canada and Mexico.) Military and overseas voters are welcome to use the regular registration and early voting by mail process (also known as absentee voting) available to all voters away from their home county on Election Day. However, there are also special provisions for you.

For more information:


How to use Sherman County's Election Equipment


Video: ExpressVote How to Vote - Election Systems & Software

Elimination of Straight-Party Voting 

House Bill 25, passed during the 85th Legislative Session, eliminated straight-party voting effective September 1, 2020.

If you wish to vote for all of the candidates affiliated with one party, you should select each candidate one at a time on your ballot.

El Proyecto de Ley 25 de la Cámara de Representantes, aprobado durante la 85a Sesión Legislativa, eliminó la votación de partido único a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2020.

Si desea votar por todos los candidatos afiliados a un partido, debe seleccionar a cada candidato uno a la vez en su boleta.


ADV2020 29 Straight Party Voting.pdf