EARLY VOTING (in person)-Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas
ELECTION DAY VOTING LOCATIONS (You MUST vote in your precinct on Election Day)
101 - County Barn at Lautz - Hwy 287 South of Stratford
102 - Sherman County Elections Room 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas
201 - Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas
202 - Precinct 2 County Barn - County Road 24 and W
301 -Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas
302 - Precinct 3 County Barn, 622 W. Denver, Texhoma Texas
401 - Sherman County Elections Room - 701 N. 3rd Street, Stratford, Texas